11 November 2010

Portrait Re-Do

Here is my self-portrait. When in Philly last weekend, my friend joked about New Jersey, "the land of opportunity." So I decided to demonstrate. I like that it looks that I'm standing in front of a green screen. Also, I enjoy the clarity of the waves in the water, and how the color of the water in the background blends into the color of the clouds.

Here is my stranger portrait. A group of tourists were having fun on an defunct train car, so I decided to ask if I could join them. Aspects that are interesting include the reflection of the girl in the center of the window and of my flash on the left.

Here is my friend portrait. Actually he's my cousin - on a family visit to South Carolina a couple weekends ago. I like how no one in the picture seems to notice his existence (except possibly the large man about to enjoy his fast food on the left).

20 October 2010

Gender Swap

Here is my original - a one Ambrose Burnside, ever-handsome general of the Union during the American Civil War. Despite his epic, award-winning sideburns (which actually get their name from said general), he was a rather unsuccessful commander.

And here is my friend, Kimmi, who doesn't resemble Mr. Burnside in the least. This is going to be fun.

Meet Kimmi Burnside, general Burnside's daughter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it now?

After several hours spent struggling to render Kimmi's face onto Gen. Burnside's, I finally achieved something I can be proud to deem complete. I may have bit more off than I could chew on this assignment, given the ridiculous facial hair (which was difficult to fit over Kimmi's face) and Mr. Burnside's lack of hair (which forced me to blend Kimmi's hairline with, well, Burnside's forehead, making the break between their two faces a bit more obvious). Alas, once I realized this it was too late to change project ideas, so I stuck it out and ended up with this, which is pretty good, given the circumstances. Enjoy the absurdity that is Kimmi Burnside.

30 September 2010

Here is my stranger shot. Note how he seems to be in his natural environment.

The self-portrait. This is me being my normal self, dancing while baking pies.

Here is a picture of someone I know, a very astute fellow.

12 September 2010

Landscape Assignment

This picture is a favorite of mine because it captures the essence of Pittsburgh so well: bridges over top of bridges, over top of yet more bridges. The most prominent bridge in the photo also helps give the picture some flow, guiding one's eyes from the foreground to the background.
This quaint riverside photo is by far my favorite landscape taken for this assignment. Not only do the tracks sweep your eyes over the photo into the distance, but the presence of the train cars validate the subject matter, giving the train tracks some sense of life or purpose. Also, the river to the right edge makes the picture seem more open, by implying a vast expanse of possibility to the left of the photo.
With this picture, I tried my hand at the "rule of thirds:" by positioning the horizon along the bottom horizontal axis of the photo, and the church spire along rightmost vertical axis, I think this photo comes to life more than it would without this positioning. Other interesting features include the latticework-like clouds above a view of downtown in the background with the South Side in the fore.
Although I'm not including this last picture as part of my assignment, as I took it over a year ago, it is my all-time favorite landscape I have ever taken. I was taking a ferry across the Walensee, a 10-mile-long lake that runs along a valley between the Alps in northeastern Switzerland, when I took this photo. I'd like to live here more than anywhere in the world.

9 September 2010