31 August 2010

Hundreds of Photos

This picture, I believe, is one of my better ones from this
photo shoot. The image is clear and the colors are vibrant.
This picture, however, is terrible. I adjusted the flash so that
it was too powerful. I title it: "Nuclear Fruit"
This is my free-for-all picture.....find the magic clone spot!

25 August 2010

Empire State Heights

This is legitimately one of my favorite photos, which depicts a construction gang enjoying lunch multiple stories above the ground on the Empire State Building, which was built between 1931 and 1932. The nonchalance of the builders to their imminent death lest they fall really inspires me.

Noctural Freak

This delightful animal is the aye-aye, the world's largest nocturnal primate, which is native to Madagascar. This picture really captivates me due to the animal's sheer hideousness.


Here's a shot of Cologne, Germany, the city in which I studied abroad last year for six months. This view shows the main train bridge, the Hohenzollernbrücke, and the Kölner Dom, or Cologne Catherdral. I chose it because this view is one of the most picturesque in the city.

24 August 2010

First Post

Right, this is the inaugural post on my new photography blog. 'ello, then!